On average, around 400 mg of caffeine is consumed daily per person and even though it was previously thought to be a carcinogen, that myth has now been debunked.
Coffee, according to the latest research, is a healthy beverage that can be a source of not only energy but also vitamin B2, magnesium and some polyphenols – which can improve things like brain function and digestion. Latest researches also state that the benefits of coffee outweigh any adversities that may come with drinking a controlled amount of it each day.

Having a cup a day can benefit your health
Coffee can help you become more alert and ready to take on the day. In this tiring world it is not always possible to be doing your best but a little caffeine can make that possible. Not only does it make you more alert, it can also help you in focusing on your tasks rather than being sidetracked by an exhausted brain.
Researchers do not count coffee as a carcinogen anymore
Having being dubbed a carcinogen in the past, coffee has now been absolved of the allegation. Instead, research states that coffee actually helps with your digestive system and in doing so creates more bile acids. This bile passes through your digestive system and helps decrease the amount of carcinogens your colon is exposed to. It also lowers inflammation which is a factor directly related to cancer risks.

The results of this study are really interesting
Those who drink 3 – 5 cups of coffee a day can rejoice because in a study with over 200,000 participants it was proven that they actually have a lower risk of developing diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and cardiovascular issues. In another study with over 500,000 subjects it was found that caffeine consumption also results in a general increase in life span, decreasing the risk of other health issues as well.
Long term studies in relation to diabetes and caffeine
In most cases people believe that caffeine results in an increase of blood sugar but more long term studies have been conducted negate that belief. Through them, it has been revealed that people who drink coffee are at a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. There is also a direct relation between how much caffeine is consumed and the decrease in chances of developing type 2 diabetes specifically.

Love and coffee go hand in hand because it has heart health benefits as well
Drinking coffee regularly in controlled amounts can actually lead to a decrease in the likelihood of heart diseases and strokes. Those who drink 4 cups of coffee a day on average have a 20% lower chance of having a stroke. Moreover, a regular amount of caffeine also reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 15%. To sum everything up, caffeine has been found to have both its benefits and its drawbacks and is best consumed in moderation. With how popular caffeine is, and the amount of research being conducted on the beverage, more positives are coming into light. This article is part of ProperGaanda’s collaboration with Nescafe Pakistan. To read more from ProperGaanda, click here. Disclaimer: This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice . Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.