This Youtuber rented a chopper to solve a physics numerical


Details: Derek Muller, a YouTuber, recently rented a chopper to look for answers to a hypothetical scenario that was questioned in a 2014 exam’s physics test. What happened: Derek rented a helicopter to figure out the answer to a question in the US Physics Olympiad, qualifying exam in 2014. The question was posed in the context of a rope suspended underneath a helicopter. It had been popular since the publication of the report since no one could agree on the solution. The question: At the beginning of the video, he read out the question for the viewers: “A helicopter is flying horizontally at a constant speed. A perfectly flexible uniform cable is suspended beneath the helicopter. Air friction on the cable is not negligible. Which of the following diagrams best shows the shape of the cable as the helicopter flies through the air to the right?” The answer: In the footage, the man can be seen descending a rope and a 20-pound kettle bell from the chopper to observe how it flies. He came to the conclusion that option B is the correct answer after doing his small experiment. What else: The video sparked a debate with, Alexander Kusenko, a physicist at University of California saying that Muller was wrong. Later, they bet $10,000 over the matter, in the presence of a well-known scientist, Sam Caroll and celebrity science pundit Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neildegrassetyson) Muller ended up winning the bet.

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