What happened: A 23-year-old Indian Muslim girl from the state of Madhya Pradesh was apprehended by the authorities at the Attari border in Amritsar after she was caught trying to cross the border to meet her Pakistani boyfriend. The Indian Muslim girl was identified as Fiza, who fell in love with a guy from Karachi after they met through social media. Details: Indian publications reported, “Fiza had been missing for over ten days, and was arrested when she tried crossing the border to Pakistan” to meet a guy she claimed to be in love with. At the same time, it was reported that Fiza had a valid passport and travel documents but was stopped at ICP (Integrated Check Post, due to a lookout circular issued against her. More: Previously, Fiza went missing and it has been said that she is a teacher working at a private school, “Fiza’s family members lodged a missing complaint. Since she had already discussed traveling to Pakistan.”