Imported sheep for imported govt? 5000 imported sheep await clearance at Torkham border 

What happened:  The issue prevails as a question mark remains, and the import of sacrificial animals from Afghanistan does not seem to resolve anytime soon. Dawn quotes the development: “ Veterinary workers have refused to examine around 5000 sheep, which a group of tribal elders claimed to have brought along on return from Kabul with Afghan authorities permission.”  Details:  The tribal elders have further been quoted by Dawn as,  “After holding a round of talks with Afghan Foreign Affairs official about the unimpeded import by them…”  It is pertinent to mention that previously the tribal elders had sought permission for 20,000 sheep. Still, only 5000 were allowed citing  “prolonged dry spell-induced livestock shortage in the country as the reason.”  More:  However, with sheep not being cleared at the Torkham border, this might be a reason for less livestock; whereas, due to the lumpy skin disease and other prevailing diseases, it was at a halt currently. 

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