One of the most anticipated summer films this year is the female stars studded Veere Di Wedding. So much to the dismay of the Pakistani population, the media just banned its release in Pakistan, citing immoral and vulgar content as the reason. The movie with female leads was all set to release on the 1st of June worldwide. However, due to the notion passed no vulgarity will be allowed on the said date in Pakistan. One can wonder what went on in the minds of the censor board. It could be in the air since Ramzan is a month known to spur a lot of superficial changes within our media. However, reports have claimed that this ban is spurred from the fear imposed by the female star cast of the movie.
The only consolation offered by the movie was that it is being produced by Shashanka Gosha and Anil Kapoor but the fact that no major male lead is set to take the screen during the course of the film, the censor board has decided against it.
The content has been called questionable. The curse words shown in the film trailer have left the censor board completely appalled. They believe if the movie is allowed in their country, women are bound to want more rights and claim their position in the country. It has become almost impossible for them to accept a film that objectifies men.
After having done it to women all these years, they seem to have a hard time reversing the roles. Even if it happens in a fictional world. To fabricated characters. And did we say; in a fictional world. Of film.
Several women within and outside the country have taken to Twitter to express vexation towards this dual morality. The censor board claimed; “This film is not acceptable in our society due to its vulgarity and sexual dialogues spoken by the four girls and so, we decided to ban it.” They believe that if they continue to live in their delusional world, women will continue to be a piece of meat for them that they can use to their benefit as it pleases them. To ensure this delusion does not break, they have decided against the release of this film.
It should be “Veere ke sath wedding ” then pakistan will allow the release of the movie ..????#VeereDiWedding — Deep Valesha (@deepvalesha) May 31, 2018
Loooool Pakistan banned #VeereDiWedding. Nargis’ crazy butt dances and Shaan’s violent killing sprees were okay but you’ve banned this film coz it shows women have agency & choice. Way to go, idiots. — Mahwash Ajaz (@mahwashajaz_) May 30, 2018
#VeereDiWedding is banned in Pakistan because it promotes vulgar content and sexual dialogues. I mean, seriously? What are we like, kids? — Sara Naveed (@SaraNaveed) May 30, 2018
…. Facing backlash for trying to bring women to the forefront. Getting banned in Pakistan for absurd reasons. These ladies now deserve your support. Don’t let them down. #VeereDiWedding — ex-me (@Monsieur_Sal) May 31, 2018
#VeereDiWedding is banned in Pakistan because of “vulgar” content.
Meanwhile there are men on the roads of this very country jerking off in public and no one seems to be taking any action in that regard. Go figure! — Maznah (@Maazzzzyyy) May 30, 2018
A movie that seems to not empower women but be fixated on them is something that seems to spark trouble in Pakistan. Where our own media is producing movies such as Motorcycle girl, it is important for us to acknowledge that films that are centered on friendship, divorce, love, relationships, and marriage are as important as films get. It is imperative to ensure the new narratives are being introduced even if they make us a little uncomfortable and challenge our superficial and rather hypocritical beliefs. Where our own movies are promoting raunchy item songs and violence, it doesn’t make sense why Pakistan would yet again feel threatened by a bunch of women taking center stage on our screens for three odd hours.
It also puts to question, yet again, their hypocrisy.
This goes: But this doesn’t