A differently-abled woman based in Karachi named Amna shared her humiliating experience with Emirates Airline as she calls out their ‘rude and uncooperative staff.’ She was supposed to be flying from Dubai to Karachi and suffers from ‘Muscular Dystrophy’ and COPD which requires her to carry an oxygen concentrator as a life-saving equipment, “It provides me oxygen when I’m unable to breathe on trips.”
Details: Amna says Emirates failed to provide her with any solution, “The staff wasn’t even looking at me or listening to what I was saying like I was someone who is invisible to their eyes. Is that how you treat someone with a disability?” The airline staff made her open the luggage and ignored the fact that she was carrying a medical certificate too. Amna was told that her life-saving equipment doesn’t get free baggage allowance; as a result she had to leave her bags at Dubai airport just so she could fly back with the machine she cannot survive without. Why it matters: She continues to insist that if a wheelchair is free of baggage allowance then a life-saving medical equipment should be too, “I have NEVER in my 31 years of travel life faced such humiliation by the airport staff.”