What happened: A Mumbai woman named Anshu Singh was allegedly fined by her residential society for feeding stray dogs. Anshu Singh used to feed stray dogs within her residential society in Mumbai. The Mumbai woman had allegedly violated society rules and as a result, she has been imposed a heavy fine of 800,000 Indian national rupees. Details: The Mumbai NRI complex’s resident claimed that the society’s committee imposes a fine of 5,000 INR every day on whoever is guilty of feeding stray dogs inside the complex. At the same time, another resident Leela Sharma has accused the society’s watchman of following those people who feed the stray dogs and he notes their names down. Also: On the other hand, the NRI Complex Mumbai’s administration has said, “Then there are issues related to cleanliness and hygiene as these dogs soil the parking space and other areas and create nuisance.” The administration has further claimed that there is a separate shelter for the stray dogs, but the residents chose to feed the animals in the open.