Why Are Men Offended by an Advert that Promotes Sensitivity?

On January 14th, Gillette released an advertisement that has become the source of much controversy online, which people bashing the company for “perverting masculinity” and supporting “radicalised feminism”. Many long term customers have also vowed to boycott the brand completely. It makes one think WHY men are so offended by an advertisement that promotes sensitivity and speaks out against sexual harassment.

Have a look at the advertisement below:

The advertisement has been viewed 8.7 million times

People are claiming that the advertisement promotes anti-male sentiment

Journalist and TV Presenter Piers Morgan has also picked a side

Many customers are boycotting the brand

And then there is the voice of reason


Click to read: Inside the World’s largest Hybrid Air Aircraft, Airlander 10 . A few women seem to think the advertisement really is bashing men

But then again, thank god for Chrissy Teigen

This doesn’t seem to be the worst idea

What do you think about Gillette’s latest advertisement? Let us know in the comments below

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