Wedding photobombed by a whale at the most comical moment inspiring a meme battle

What happened : A couple getting married in an Aquarium got photobombed by the cutest whale. However, it swam by in the most comical moment. Details: It all started when Reddit user FishMcBite posted a picture on Reddit, asking people to Photoshop it as they please.  The picture shows a couple ready to tie the knot with a beluga whale in the background. As it turns out, the wedding was taking place at Mystic Seaport in Connecticut Right. Being photobombed by these creatures is quite normal in wedding held in aquariums; however, this photobomb happened at the most cynically amusing moment. Right when the minister put ups the daunting question: “if anyone knows of a reason why this couple shouldn’t be married, speak now,” the beluga whale abruptly  spooked from behind the glass creating turning the moment into an ever fleeting humorous memory. It is normal for us humans to have some photobombs with our loved ones at important events. However, being spooked by a beluga whale is once in a blue moon, this couple had to be blessed on their wedding day. And thus, like most viral pictures on reddit, this post also turned into a meme contest right after. Here are some of the best compilation of memes that we collected from reddit:

A trio
Yes, I do
with my real family
oopsie daisy

Tell us about your most hilarious photobomb stories. About the whales: Beluga whales are found in aquariums all around the world. Being these cute, gleamy white creatures, they become instant tourist attraction whenever sighted. Especially since they love to play around and have a sense of humor better than most folks, tourists tend to stick around with them until the exuberant creature decides to float away. Click here to see more from Propergaanda.

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