We will not let anyone blackmail or challenge state’s write: Fawad Chaudhry

What happened:  The Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Fawad Chaudhry, while briefing the media about the decisions taken by the cabinet, said, “We will not allow anyone to challenge the state’s writ.” In his press briefing, he also said, “Previously we avoided the use of force against the TLP protestors despite their violent activities, but now they are back on the streets with AK 47s and killing police officers, in their march.” At the same time, videos on Twitter show the banned TLP now militant group protestors throwing stones at the Rangers’ vehicle, reportedly, near Gujranwala. The minister also claimed, “They want bloodshed and they want that Pakistan becomes in tamasha.” Details:  Fawad Chaudhry, in his press briefing, highlighted the issue that the TLP workers were responsible for killing several police officers, and wounding a few Rangers’ officers, during their march towards Islamabad. The minister shared the numbers of injured police and military officials, “Earlier they killed six police officers, injuring more than 700 officers. Now they have killed three police officers during two days while wounding more than 49 officers.” Also:  On the other hand, few reports suggest that Imran Khan has instructed authorities to stop the march at Murdike, and he said, “We won’t tolerate violence for political purposes.” The press briefing by the federal minister came after the recent clashes of police officials with the TLP workers, at Sadhoke, in Gujranwala.  Press briefing:  During the press briefing, “The banned group was established in 2015, and since then, their modus operandi has been to come out on the roads and block them, but there is a limit to the state’s patience, now.” He also claimed that TLP had no access to weapons like the other terrorists’ organisations, yet they show up on roads with “Ak47s.” He added, “We do not want the blood to be split, but some of their leaders want that, and how long will we show restraint?”  Previously, PM  Imran Khan had directed Sheikh Rasheed to return to Lahore amid the violent clashes with the banned TLP. Sheikh Rasheed said, “TLP was banned and not proscribes, and its members can still contest elections.” However, he also claimed that there had been negotiations with the banned TLP leader Saad Rizvi, which would have a fruitful outcome, but the nation still waits for the violent protests to end.

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