What happened: A recent by UHHospitals.org claimed that “some people take up vaping from electronic cigarettes to avoid the health hazards of smoking cigarettes made with tobacco.” However, the study stated that vaping is equally as harmful as smoking cigarettes “and possibly are even more dangerous than traditional cigarettes.” Details: The American Heart Association, in a press release, stated that “vaping can worsen several heart disease risk factors at levels equal to tobacco cigarettes, as e-cigarettes decrease blood flow in the heart even more than tobacco cigarettes.” Electronic cigarette also causes bad cholesterol as also has an adverse effect on blood flow. More: UHHospitals.org quotes, “In smokers who smoke cigarettes, blood flow increased modestly after cigarette inhalation and then decreased with subsequent stress.” Dr. Cireddu, the author of the study, quotes, “The question becomes how prepared are e-cigarette users to act as guinea pigs for the ill effects of a plethora of superheated chemicals on their hearts and lungs that we may not fully grasp until decades into the future?”