Pakistan The land of pure; people are not letting the country live by its name and we can all accept that, as a journalist in Pakistan, I can testify to this.
We love our country, as we should, and that is why we report on everything that is going on here, people can’t turn their backs on the bitter truth and i.e. the things that go down here every day.
The minorities, the laborers, the women of this country go through something that we cannot even comprehend, and as a digital media agency, we want to do whatever we can in our power to help them, but sadly people are still living in their bubble of ‘patriotism’ and continue to live in denial, and if they take a step ahead, that’s just to silence our voices. Reporting the Sad Reality Reporting the bad side of our country isn’t us being opinionated or one-sided, just like you all, we also love our country and that is why we refuse to stay oblivious to the things that go south here, we want you to know about everything so that we can make this land safe and better, together.
During our reporting on the TLP protests, there wasn’t anything added to it, everyone was witness to that situation, we don’t know who got offended and why but Instagram warned us a couple of times about ‘violating the community guidelines.’ ProperGaanda = Political Agenda? What we could possibly get out of this? No, we don’t get paid by any political entity, whatever we report is solely unbiased and neutral, and we are and will always remain an independent agency.
User-generated stories are what makes ProperGaanda standout.
If we come across a random Facebook status, an Instagram story, or a Tweet that tells an unfair experience that they went through, we reach out to them as it is our duty to elevate the voice of our public, what’s so bad about this or are we missing out on something? Next We want to continue to serve our community and stand our guard for being a platform where people are always welcome to reach out to us, we are and always be a safe place where you can share your concerns without any discomfort