What happened : The anonymous netizen shared with ProperGaanda, “The process for digital marketing of the construction company started in June. In July, both the parties signed legally binding contracts, and the planning process began in August. During August, the planning process consisted of market research. After a few meetings, the client was presented with the market research and did not understand it.” According to the Instagram user, she did her best to explain everything to them. In September, the invoice for research was sent. It is pertinent to note that the Instagram user believes that research is the foundation for providing any service. However, the construction company was also contacted, but they refused to comment on the situation. Details : However, the anonymous user stated that the well-reputed construction company did not value research as much as their team did. She added, “The construction company wanted to see tangible results such as billboards, production for videos, etc. We understood and decided to send a combined invoice later once all the advertisements began. An invoice was sent in September,” and when that was not paid, she went to their office in October, and demanded they pay her team. It was also added, “This is because expensive and time-consuming processes such as video production had started. Since we still weren’t paid a single rupee, everything was coming out of our pocket. Once the construction team said they sent the payment to the accountant we left.”

What else : A follow up on the payment was made, she called her accountant, who informed her that only 1/5th amount was received. The team still had to be paid for all other services, most importantly the video production team had to be paid. At the same time, the construction company always said “Oo gee abhi payment lay layn, payment ka kiya hai, aap aacountant ko bolain payment lay lay.” Also : Now according to the Instagram user, the construction company owe 26 lakhs. When the agency asked for the money that is due, the construction company, according to the Instagram user, said, “We don’t see the need to do markering. We dont need the video anymore. We are more than happy for the retainership to end.” According to the netizen, she kept calling again, but they wouldn’t answer, and the team still needed to be fully paid. The owner of the agency said “I tried contacting them every day, but no response is given to me. However, we have given them ten days to respond; otherwise, things will be taken to court.”