These 5 local home businesses are making Chicken Nuggets that taste just like K&Ns 

Here are our top 5 picks.

1. Say Cheese (@saycheese.homekitchen) Taste tempura nuggets that taste just like Mcdonald’s Mcnuggets. Price: PKR 895 for 1kg

2. Ami’s Pantry (@amispantry) Get regular or star shaped Chicken nuggets on a budget. Price: PKR 550-650 for 24 pieces 

3. Red Stove Kitchenette (@redstovekitchentte)  The best Cheese Chicken nuggets in town. Price: PKR 800 for 12 pieces

4. Qzeen Homemade Food (@qzeen.homemadefood)  The most loved afternoon snack by both adults and children. Price: PKR 300 for 12 pieces

5. Al Zahra Homemade Foods (@Alzahrahomemade) These classic nuggets are both crispy and healthy. Price: Price: PKR 750 for 1kg

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