The Use Of Drones and Flying Cameras Has Been Banned In Punjab

The Punjab Government has imposed a two-month ban on the use of flying drones, cameras, and oversized balloons.

All remote controlled aerial devices will be prohibited across the provinces used for media coverage and other activities.

This comes under section 144(6) of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Pakistan 1898. The time period is two months because the procedure states “No order under this section shall remain in force for more than two months from the making thereof, unless, in cases of danger to human life, health or safety, or a likelihood of a riot or an affray, the Provincial Government, by notification in the official Gazette, otherwise directs.”

According to this, the following are banned: Unmanned drones, controlled model aircrafts, flying video or audio recording devices, and balloons.
If violated, there could be a possible police case, especially if the violation was near a defense institution. The punishment would be in accordance to the Pakistan Penal Code Section 188; it would either be a fine, six months of imprisonment, or both.

All local and provincial officers, the district police, and commissioners have been notified about the ban.

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