What happened: On the occasion of the International Mother’s Day, the Asia-Oceania PostDoctoral Academia and SAARC-ASEAN Postdoctoral Academia May 8 announced to give the title of Mother of Humankind to Pakistan’s humanitarian Bilquis Edhi. In a bid to honor the work of welfare by Bilquis Edhi, the organization announced to honor Bilquis Edhi. Details: TheNews quoted Bilquis Edhi’s welfare work as, “Neither it’s ordinary nor simply the extraordinary that s single person makes clear divides in the course of history. But now, in the case of infanticide, the future historian and the history itself have to be divided and demarcated into the two..” The resolution was consented to and duly ratified by the post-doc academics under the sponsorship of Justice (retd) Dr SS Paru.