“The Enigma” a black diamond from outer space is expected to be auctioned at $7 million

What happened: On January 17, Dubai’s auction house Sotheby unveiled a diamond that is from outer space, as Sotheby calls it 555.55-carat black diamond named  “The Enigma.”  Dubai’s auction house believes the black diamond will be sold for at least 6.8 million dollars and Sotheby has also hinted at accepting cryptocurrency as a payment method.  Details: One of the jewellery specialists at the Sotheby’s auction house, Sophie stevens, while talking about  The Enigma  said,  “The shape of the diamond is based on the Middle-Eastern palm symbol of the Khamsa, which stands for strength and it stands for protection as Khamsa in Arabic means five.”  At the same time, the specialists believed that the black diamond is from outer space as she said,  “With the carbonado diamonds, we believe that they were formed through extraterrestrial origins. With meteorites colliding with the Earth and either forming chemical vapour disposition or indeed coming from the meteorites.”  

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