What happened: On January 25, a mother in Texas was arrested for allegedly trying to buy a child for $500,000 at a Walmart. The mother, identified as Rebbecca Lanette Taylor, was charged with selling or purchasing the child at a local Walmart. Sky News reported, “The 49-year-old allegedly approached a mother of two in a self-checkout queue of a Walmart in Crockett.” Details: The mother, along with the year-old, was not identified, but her son was in a shopping cart and her other child in the car seat. Rebbecca is quoted by SkyNews questioning the other person as, “How much she could purchase him for?” On the other hand, the mother replied, “No amount of money can buy the kid.” More: Subsequently, the alleged purchaser was quoted by SkyNews as, “The baby was a perfect fit for me and I had been looking to purchase a baby since a really long time.” Whereas, another person again asked the mother about the year-old son’s name to which she refused and headed towards her car. Later, the Texas police arrested the alleged purchaser and she could face upto ten years of prison time if found guilty.