Details: At the Cannes Film Festival, Team Joyland is proudly representing Pakistan. The Pakistani film’s cast and crew, as well as director Saim Sadiq, arrived in Cannes dressed in summery hues and flowing fabrics for the formal photocall, with actor Sarwat Gilani providing early peaks of the event on her Instagram. Why it matters: The feature film category at Cannes only accepts 14 films, so the fact that a Pakistani film made the cut, and for the first time in history is a source of great pride. The film also features transgender actress Alina Khan as one of the protagonists. Sarwat Gilani, Salman Peerzada, Sania Saeed, Ali Junejo and Rasti Farooq are among the cast members too. Opinion: One thing is clear i.e. Pakistan is not short on talented filmmakers and actors but it’s all about giving them a chance. Films like Zindagi Tamasha, Durj got banned for no apparent reason and it’s sad to see that Joyland making it to Cannes is not getting much spotlight on mainstream media either.