Siyani Sahelian’s animated film CoronaVirus and Mental Health is tackling a crucial topic

What is Siyani Sahelian: It is a program under SOC Films that aims to empower the most marginalized adolescent girls in South Punjab through remedial learning, vocational training and life skills. Until now, the Siyani Sahelian programme has helped over 36,000 out-of-school adolescent girls in South Punjab through post-primary opportunities for learning gains, vocational education and life skills. In its Siyani Sahelian series, SOC in partnership with Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi produce animated films that create awareness around sensitive topics such as domestic violence, and gender.

Latest animated film: The latest animated film by the Siyani Sahelian series is called “CoronaVirus and Mental Health”. It’s a 6-minute animated film that aims to tackle the topic of people’s mental health and how it is being affected during the pandemic due to difficult socio-economic conditions. The film, through its main character, suggests activities that could help manage stress and anxiety.

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