What happened: An alleged audio clip has been shared by Fact Focus, in which ex Chief Justice, Saqib Nisar is talking to an unknown person. In the conversation Nisar can be heard urging that he has to put Nawaz Sharif and his daughter, Maryam Nawaz behind the bars. Details: The video begins with Pakistan’s ex CJ admitting something he would never confess in public: that ‘judicial bodies are influenced by institutions’. The orders given by the former Chief Justice suggest that the audio is from before the general elections 2018. Meanwhile the cases against Sharifs were being tried in the Accountability Court. Nisar instructed that Mian Sahib and his daughter must be sentenced, “Whether it is fair or not, it has to be done. Regardless of the merit, we will have to do it (sentence Nawaz Sharif), and his daughter”, says Justice Nisar. The other person objected that a sentence cannot be passed against the daughter. Chief Justice Nisar replied, “You are absolutely correct. I did talk to friends that something be done about this but they did not agree”. He went on to say, “there will remain no independence of the judiciary, so let it be”. What else: Justice Saqib Nisar stated that he never called an accountability court judge to request a judgement against Nawaz Sharif or his daughter. “I have no grudges against Mian Nawaz Sharif.” Saqib Nisar questioned, adding “Why would I do that?” He says that no one from the institutions has ever approached him.