Restaurant in Rawalpindi has “horrifying” and “substandard” living arrangements for its employees, claims a social media user

What happened:  Social media user refused to be named but said that his father owns a flat in Rawalpindi, which was lent out to the Restaurant mentioned above. The Instagram user shared,  “Most of such chains(food chains) hire people from less fortunate areas to cut costs. Areas such as central or southern Punjab and northern parts of the country.” 

Details: He further revealed that the food chain owners get cheap flats on rent for their employees to stay in. The anonymous user told ProperGaanda,  “My father gave one such flat on rent to a chain manager of What A Paratha.”  Adding to this, he said,  “The chain manager stuffed the small apartment designed for 2-3 people with more than 12 employees of the restaurant. Most of these employees work inside the kitchen.”  At the same time, he claimed the employees were mistreated and were not provided with basic necessities and the condition of the flat was also not kept updated. 

What you need to know:   “The late electricity and rent payments by the chain manager led to the tenants being moved out of there. After this, I supervised the cleaning process, and that is when the horrifying living conditions of the employees were disclosed in front of my eyes. We had never ever given our flat on rent, and our first experience of giving out the flat on the rent was really shocking as the flat’s condition had deteriorated. Subsequently, it felt like the flat was never cleaned for the seven months the employees had stayed there.”

Pictures: The pictures of the flat that were shared with ProperGaanda via the anonymous Instagram user showed the conditions of different rooms of the flat. Pictures also showed bracket fans broken down and stuffed into the cupboards. Due to the sheer amount of garbage taken out of the two rooms where more than 12 people slept, it is safe to say that neither the rooms nor the washrooms were cleaned since the tenants had been living there, as suggested by the Instagram user.  “Being in the apartment, I could not help but think about the number of times I had ordered food from this restaurant. The thought disgusted me to my core” , claimed the social media user.

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