While Imran Khan is all set to take Lahore by storm, another Khan has cooked up a different kind of tsunami some several thousand miles away. Merely hours ago, Reham Khan’s much anticipated and allegedly highly controversial self-titled book was recently released and then ‘leaked’ online. Needless to say, several people haven’t only already read the 365 pages but have also shared them across several social media platforms.
Imran Khan and Reham Khan were married for a brief period of 10 months in 2015
Reham Khan’s book has spurred quite a lot of attention since excerpts were leaked a month ago. Hamza Ali Abbasi, staying true to form not only shared the excerpts but went on to National Television to discuss their ludicrous nature.
This sparked a very interesting Twitter battle between Reham and Abbasi where both parties claimed to be the victim receiving threats from the other.
The book is available online for a very menial $9 and the PDF has been floating around too. Several individuals have pointed out that the book may be a fake. This allegation is based on the fact that the original is meant to have 500 pages whereas the PDF only has 365. Nonetheless, that hasn’t stopped anyone from downloading and reading the purported tell-all book. The publication does not only claim to provide thorough insights to Imran Khan’s personal life and relationships, it also comments on his sons, his sisters and uses obscene language. Amongst calling Imran a cocaine addict, possibly gay and promiscuous, Reham Khan claims to have left no stone unturned in revealing her ex-husband’s “true” character.
It also reads like a personal love letter to the Sharif family while dismissing all possible characteristic credibility to every other Pakistani politician.
The likes of Wasim Akram, Hamza Ali Abbasi and Jemima Khan have all vowed to sue Reham if the contents are proven to be personalized and belligerent.
On Reham Khan’s book I’ve been assured that it’s too libellous to be published in the UK but if it is published here, I will be suing for defamation & breach of privacy on behalf of my (then) 16 yr old son & in relation to the moronic, re-hashed Zionist conspiracy theories. Sigh — Jemima Goldsmith (@Jemima_Khan) June 6, 2018
Dear Reham Khan, U uploaded this fake email attributing it to me & now i have decided to serve U a legal notice about it in London. PLEASE reply to this notice when U get it and other notices U have already received. Thankyou :-)…. pic.twitter.com/4BfmrVYbYK — Hamza Ali Abbasi (@iamhamzaabbasi) June 4, 2018
The hashtag #RehamKhanAutobiography has been trending on the internet and this is what the people have to say:
No publisher was willing to publish @RehamKhan1‘s book considering the filth; so her son SAHIR registered a company in his own name and got it published. all the details are mentioned herehttps://t.co/gpp9S3abC9#RehamKhanAutobiography #RehamKhan #RehamKhanBook #RehamFilth — ali uzair (@maliuzair) July 12, 2018
#RehamKhanAutobiography #RehamKhan is the perfect example abt how women are used in our #politics. She is one of the reasons our #women, especially educated women are actually suffering. Losing her self respect for #money…. Pathetic!@AghaNaila @Iamheeeer @wjahat30 @Skipper782 https://t.co/VqEuusCnfY — Asif (@asifjaved040) July 12, 2018
Height of Besharmi and Beyghairti ! The images of ” Cocaine ” which #RehamKhan showed in her book are taken from Google . Iski kitaab main sub jhot likha hai , is liye lanat bhejain iski kitaab par or election campaign par tawajjah den . pic.twitter.com/th6AEPlE9Q — Dr Ayesha (@DrAyeshaNaveed) July 12, 2018
Read a few pages of #RehamKhan‘s book.
It is beyond limits, not even shareable. It’s disgusting
Intimate life of Reham with her ex husbands is out in the open. I as a woman condemn it. No matter what, a… https://t.co/eKYUkN86yy — Mehwish Abbasi (@AbbasiMehwish) July 12, 2018
Shameless and loose character #RehamKhan says in her porn book #RehamKhanAutobiographyAn that Imran Khan has five children and some of them are in India. ????#BallayPeThappaNA131 — Ali Khan (@FarisAliKhan2) July 12, 2018
Just in case anyone is keeping score, @RehamKhan1 has mentioned the word SEX 61 times in her book. #RehamKhanBook #rehamkhan — mediacom (@mediakhan2018) July 12, 2018
A 365 paged autobiography of a lady using the name of “Imran Khan” more than 1200 times reveals her obsession for this person. I wonder if Imran Khan’s own autobiography is that much obsessed with himself. #Imrankhan #Rehamkhan
Before reading analysis.@RehamKhan1 koi jawab ??? — Bilal Nazir Ch (@Bilalch87) July 12, 2018