What happened: Over the past week extreme heatwave has killed about 500 people in Canada. British Columbia in Canada has experienced the worst of the temperatures with hundreds of “sudden deaths” reports. Canada’s highest ever temperature of 49.6C was recorded in British Columbia on Wednesday, causing a wildfire and evacuation of a town. A resident of British Columbia points out she has never experienced this level of heat in 70 years. Whole provinces in Canada have been put under Environment Canada heat warnings. Authorities have also set up cooling centers in air-conditioned libraries for residents, with special care being given to vulnerable homeless groups. Details: Many of the victims of the heatwave lived alone in houses that are not properly ventilated. Air-conditioning in houses there is also not very common making residents more vulnerable to fatal heat. Across North America temperatures have been abnormally high over the week with many, including US President Joe Biden, labeling these temperatures as clear signs of climate change. Some cities in the US have also been experiencing extreme temperatures resulting in fatalities. Click here to see more from Propergaanda.