The Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) continues to face a media blackout. Amidst the state’s fear of it potentially carrying an anti-Pakistan and Pashtun nationalist message, a new wave of crackdown has begun with state organs using tactics to directly deter the long march. The government’s central claim is that the PTM could be potentially destabilizing for peace in the country. And, with mainstream media not covering the march, social media, particularly Twitter, has taken the lead to get the various sides out to the public. Here are the key moments that invite thought about the state of censorship and minorities in Pakistan.
It has been two days since #PashtunLongMarch2Lahore is top trend. No bots, no paid trolls, pure organic and mass movement. #RokSakoToRokLo — Ahmad Waqass Goraya (@AWGoraya) April 22, 2018
The rally participants raised a white flag, denoting peace.
Their agenda doesn’t seem to be violence nor does it seem to be separatist. This is a claim they asserted earlier this month when the leaders clarified that their demands are within the constitutional jurisdiction.
PTM activists decorating Jalsa venue with while flags symbolizing peace#PashtunLongMarch2Lahore MAHPBhJW4 — Ashraf Kakar (@AshrafKakkar) April 22, 2018
Interestingly, many were also holding Pakistan’s flag, which begs the question of how anti-state they really are.
Pak flags held high by many at the rally. Anti-state? #PashtunLongMarch2Lahore — Benazir Shah (@Benazir_Shah) April 22, 2018
I am proud to be a first-hand witness of the fact that #PashtunTahaffuzMovement is not only an indigenous struggle for basic rights but also very carefully pro-Pakistan. They never said a word full of hatred, violence or separatism despite the resentment. #PashtunLongMarch2Lahore — Ammara Ahmad (@ammarawrites) April 23, 2018
Turning a blind eye to their message, the Punjab Police went ahead and arrested several leaders of the PTM.
These included Ali Wazir, Bilawal Mandokhel, Muzammil, and Ismat Shaagen amongst others. This fear mongering tactic created quite the uproar.
A popular movement of war-ravaged Pashtuns that had held meetings all over the country was finally extending a hand to Punjabis & asking for solidarity. Was a unique opportunity for ethnic unity. And what does @GovtOfPunjab do? Arrest the entire leadership. #releaseptmactivists — Ammar Rashid (@AmmarRashidT) April 21, 2018
#Racism, #misogyny, trampling on constitutional rights — all in one go. #Punjab police officer calls the abducted group Pathans — not people, not #Pakistani; wants comrade @ismatshahjehan out of the room so men can talk it out#PashtunLongMarch2Lahore — Mohammad Taqi (@mazdaki) April 21, 2018
Even Maryam Nawaz tweeted that the leaders should be released and their right to protest should be protected.
ظلم و زیادتی کے خلاف اٹھنے والی آوازوں کو زبردستی دبانے کی کوشش نہ کبھی کامیاب ہوئی ہے نہ ہو گی۔ وجوہات کا سدِباب کیا جائے۔ — Maryam Nawaz Sharif (@MaryamNSharif) April 21, 2018
In the worst move ever, the PTM rally space was allegedly dirtied with sewage water at Mochi Gate.
I interviewed Bilal Mandokhel @Wrasay, a leader of #PashtunTahaffuzMovement. He says PTM members are busy drying out the gutter water at Mochi Gate ground in Lahore. This place was flooded today ahead of #PashtunLongMarch2Lahore via @Mashaalradio — Bashir Ahmad Gwakh (@bashirgwakh) April 22, 2018
Current condition of mochi gate ground.shame shame punjab govt. #pashtunlongmarch2lahore @gulbukhari @a_siab @Xadeejournalist @murtazasolangi @ShafiNaqiJamie @ImtiazAlamSAFMA @SASHarifal @KakarZarak @mosharrafzaidi @mazdaki @mjdawar @TahaSSiddiqui — saqib khan (@Saqib98Khan) April 22, 2018
However, the protesters quickly cleaned the area themselves. The cheap tactics only highlight the government’s complete lack of tact in addressing the Pashtun community’s grievances.
In light of this incident at the PTM, social media users were quick to draw comparisons between the government’s treatment of Khadim Rizvi and the PTM.
Peaceful protest banned & its leaders arrested by @GovtOfPunjab. But Khadim Hussain Rizvi was allowed to spew hate speech for 3 weeks & cases withdrawn against him. Is this the kind of democratic struggle PML-N boasts off? @CMShehbaz @MaryamNSharif #releaseptmactivists — Nudrrat Khawaja (@NudrratKhawaja) April 21, 2018
I live in Punjab and I am against @GovtOfPunjab for their unjustified action against #PashtunLongMarch2Lahore and PTM workers. They have all the right to hold rallies and jalsas – especially when ASWJ and TLP enjoy RIGHTS! #ReleasePtmActivists — Farhad Jarral (@farhadjarralpk) April 21, 2018
Complete shame. @CMShehbaz @MaryamNSharif how is permission being refused to hold a peaceful protest in Lahore? Terrible mistake to deny peaceful protestors and allow violent Khadim Rizvis. I thought we the democrats were on the same side? — Gul Bukhari (@gulbukhari) April 21, 2018
Punjab government can only stop #PashtunLongMarch2Lahore, while it has no authority whatsoever over these ‘good’ protestors. — Naila Inayat (@nailainayat) April 21, 2018
This is just a quick rundown of all that happened at the PTM Jalsa at Mochi Gate, Lahore. The movement continues to gain force as more activists join the cause. While the mainstream media outlets fail to get PTM’s side of the story out, social media is the only tool available to get their claims across. While the government paints the narrative with an anti-Pakistan and anti-army rhetoric, here is what the real message of the PTM is from the leader, Manzoor Pashteen himself.
Once again #ManzoorPashteen destroys those who terrorising #Pashtuns since Babrra massacre#PashtunLongMarch2Lahore — Pashtuns Resistance (@PakhtunR) April 21, 2018
Here are some other noteworthy moments from the protest as well.
A random guy from Punjab welcomes Manzoor Pashteen on stage and for the speech.
This is the power of #PashtunTahafuzMovement ; connecting ordinary Punjabi with Pashtun, Baloch with Kashmiri and on.
Long Live Unity of the Oppressed.#PashtunLongMarch2Lahore — ھاشم پشتین (@HashiMandokhail) April 23, 2018
Two brave journalists, @Xadeejournalist and @gulbukhari at #PashtunLongMarch2Lahore Wishing them safe and long life because supporting truth in this country means becoming a missing person! — Zahoor Iqbal Khan (@Zahoor_Iqbal) April 22, 2018
#PTM #MochiGate #Lahore#PashtunLongMarch2Lahore #PashtunTahaffuzMovement — افشاں مصعب (@AfshanMasab) April 22, 2018