Priyanka Chopra in Hot Water After Pro War Tweet

Priyanka Chopra’s legacy as a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF is in peril following her Tweet which cheered India’s strike in Balakot, Pakistan last week. 

A petition filed for removal of Chopra as the GoodWill Ambassador on reads, “War between two nuclear powers can only lead to destruction and death. As the goodwill ambassador of UNICEF, Priyanka Chopra was supposed to stay neutral and peaceful but her tweet in favour of the Indian armed forces after they invaded Pakistani airspace shows otherwise. She doesn’t deserve this title anymore.” The petition has reached a few thousand signatures but UNICEF still has to make a statement in this regards.

Pakistani actress Armeena Khan was one of the first people to respond to Priyanka’s tweet

Priyanka’s tweet has more than 6K comments, most of which call the actress out for role in spreading a narrative that promotes war

Her fans on the other side of the border, defended her tweet stating that she is defending her country from terrorism

And there were trolls aplenty

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