Pakistan’s finest medical college still seeks ‘non-Muslim only’ janitarial staff

An image making rounds on twitter shows the prestigious King Edward Medical College stating one criteria for their sanitation worker job as ‘non-muslims only’.

The image shows an application form with multiple job vacancies at the university. Aside each vacancy is the criteria for employment. Under the qualification for the position of Sanitary Worker, the application reads ‘Only non-muslim persons who belong to minorities will be accommodated.’

Twitter users were quick to respond to the image calling it ‘grotesque’ and ‘backwards’, claiming that conditions like these are perpetuating the already abysmal state of minorities in Pakistan. This summer the Pakistan Army announced it would rescind the ‘Christian-only’ condition for sanitary workers. This news was met with much praise from the public with people lauding the decision claiming that in scrapping the minorities only rule, they were removing religious discrimination against minorities. Keep up to date with more news at ProperGaanda: Rabi Pirzada announces decision to leave entertainment industry following private photo leaks

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