What happened: The Pakistani esports sensation, Arsalan Ash (@arslan.ash) has won the Community Effort Orlando (CEO) Tekken 7 Tournament in Florida, United States. This marks Arsalan’s third global win as the gamer has previously bagged the title for EVO Japan 2019 and EVO 2019. The tournament: In the grand finale, Ash was up against Anakin with his Zafina, while Anakin was on Jack 7. With his overwhelming slams and rush down style, Anakin took the first match, but Ash was not going down without a fight. The final match carried the fight to the Infinite Azure stage, where Ash swept the victory with a final uppercut to the face. Why it matters: CEO hosts one of the world’s largest fighting game conventions, with over 3000 participants competing annually in a range of combat games. Tekken 7 drew almost 450 players from all around the world, including well-known e-sportsmen like Book, Anakin, Khan, and Arslan Ash himself.