What happened: The Pakistani-born Yorkshire’s cricketer Azeem Rafiq in a briefing to the British Member of Parliament, has said that racism is a societal problem, and “I am isolated and humiliated,” by the racist remarks of his fellow Yorkshire players. It is pertinent to know that Azeem had revealed that he was subjected to racist comments by fellow players at Yorkshire county earlier this year.

Details: Azeem Rafiq had revealed that he was a victim of racial harassment and bullying, and “I even thought of suicide quite a few times, over the way I was treated at the county.” He was subjected to racist remarks, “There were comments by fellow players including, Pakis, you should sit near the toilets.” In response to this, Azeem said that he only wanted to play cricket, but he had to take the medication in 2014 before leaving his county side. What’s happening now: Currently, in his speech in front of the British MP, he said, “The racism is lot worst in cricket, then in society. Racism is a societal problem, and every one of us is responsible for this society, and we need to change the society.” Previously: Yorkshire’s management had issued an apology after Azeem revealed that he was being subjected to racist remarks. Still, the county did not give notice to the players involved, which caused a backlash on the Yorkshire county.