What Happened: On Tuesday, the long-awaited verdict in the trial of ex-police officer Derek Chauvin was announced. Last year in May, he knelt on 46-year-old George Floyd’s neck for 9 minutes and 29 seconds, leading to his death. Chauvin was found guilty on all three counts he was charged with, and immediately remanded into custody.
The Big Picture: While the incident in itself was outrageous, it sparked a bigger conversation about racially motivated killings of people of colour at the hands of law enforcement in the US. There were large scale protests, and people all over the world reacted to the murder. Among them was Karachi based artist Haider Ali who painted a truck art inspired mural of Floyd.
Pakistani-American reaction : The entire community of people of colour in the US has seemingly let out a sigh of relief following the verdict. Recently, these racially motivated attacks had turned towards the Asian community, with a mass shooting at a FedEx facility in Indiana, which led to the deaths of 8 people of the Sikh community. Hence, the verdict provides hope for justice for all.