Details: The nation has survived, through various stages of military dictatorship, and through the so-called democracy, where there have been numerous bans on factual reporting. The journalists and media outlets are often dictated to write and express specific incidents in a somewhat biased way than in stating facts.

What happened: On the 17th of November, another startup and millennial-run social media agency were reported, a mass reporting campaign was started against the platform that had given a voice to the oppressed society of Pakistan, and relayed on factual reporting while allowing Instagram users to narrate their stories.

What you need to know: Well, in Pakistan, freedom of speech and expression is the constitutional right of every citizen. On the other hand, this right is rarely practiced due to the strict concerning restrictions on the media. The restrictions have often been exploited against different groups of people such as minorities, journalists, human rights activists. Also: There have been numerous journalists and media agencies who have been banned, attacked, and harassed, namely, Asad Ali Toor, Hamid Mir, and Syed Talat Hussain. While, Article 19 of the Constitution of Pakistan clearly states that “Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression, and there shall be freedom of the press.. ” Globally, freedom of speech is recognized as the foundation of human rights, followed by other rights. It is pertinent to note that freedom of speech in a democratic society helps empower decision-makers to appreciate the diversity of opinions.