Omar Gilani: Omar is a self-taught artist, illustrator, and designer who hails from Peshawar. At university Omar studied engineering and robotics, but decided to make a career out of his passion for arts. His book: Over Eid, Omar published his debut novel, The Lost Children of Paradise : A Pakistani Science Fiction Novel. It is a sci-fi novel set in futuristic Pakistan in-line with Omar’s futuristic art. The story takes place in 22nd century Pakistan and involves kidnapped street children and a policeman from a rural village who tries to help them. The Lost Children of Paradise is available in both Kindle and paperback format.
His art: Omar does digital illustrations to depict a futuristic technologically advanced Pakistan with hovering bikes and tricks, cyborgs, and half-human half-cyborg beings. In his art, Omar makes sure that he incorporates certain timeless cultural elements of Pakistan in his futuristic vision. The doodhwalas (milkmen) supply milk on flying bikes, the Pakistani trucks transport cargoes in air, a rikshaw seems to be dropping off a girl on the rooftop of a building; Omar perfectly marries Pakistani symbols and the futuristic technology.
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