Ocean on fire in the Gulf of Mexico: Another tale of capitalism:

What happened : According to Mexico’s state-owned Pemex petrol company, a gas leak from an underwater pipeline sparked a massive fire on the ocean surface in the Gulf of Mexico on Friday.

Details: Ocean surface in the Gulf of Mexico caught fire early on Friday. The apparent cause of fire was a gas leak from an underwater pipeline. State oil company, Pemex, reported that it took around five hours to extinguish the blazing fire. Company workers used nitrogen to control the fire, the report added. Furthermore, Pemex reported no injuries. The production from the project was not affected after the gas leak ignited around 5:15 a.m. local time. The incident was captured in videos that went viral on several platforms. It served as a reality check for people globally who were left aghast and appalled at the the overall destructive progression that humankind is taking through capitalism.

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