What happened: On the 23rd of December, the New York Police department appointed its first-ever Pakistani American, Adeel Rana as a deputy inspector. Adeel Rana was previously appointed as the precinct commanding officer before being the deputy inspector. Details: Adeel Rana took to Twitter and wrote, “What a great moment to hear cheers of coworkers, friends, family & community members when my name was called for promotion to Deputy Inspector.” Adding to his tweet, “This promotion making me the First #Pakistan #American to achieve this rank in #NYPD History!” UN Women’s Senior Advisor Salman Sufi congratulated Adeel Rana and tweeted, “Proud of your brother. Keep shining”

Previously: In 2020, Adeel Rana became the first Muslim American to be appointed as the Commanding Officer of an NYPD precinct.