New Year, New Us!

Every new year’s eve we pledge to ourselves: “new year, new me”. But, within a week or so we fail to live up to our new year resolutions. This year we should do something different and take up unified resolutions that represent us Pakistanis as one nation. Even if our own personal resolutions are short-lived, we should pledge to adopt the changes listed below collectively. Such changes must be made as a combined effort towards a better and progressive Pakistan.

1- Accepting failure

Image Source: Huffington Post

As a nation, we see failures as a disgrace to ourselves. The person who faces failure is demotivated and is put under immense stress, which badly affects their future performance. We need to learn that failure is not a bad thing. It gives us a chance to ponder over our shortcomings and problems. We make it a matter of life or death even if is something as trivial as failing to make the perfect gol roti or acing a small class quiz. Our obsession with success and lack of accepting failure is a major hindrance to our progression. Failure is similar to a bitter gourd, both leave a bitter after-taste but experiencing a taste of both once in a while is important, as both have benefits. One is good for your health and the other one gives you a reality check.

2-Being more patient

Impatience is often seen in frustrated youth burning tires in protest, instead of awaiting legal system to take its course.
Image Source: Dawn News

Being impatient is a quality most of us possess. In impatience, we end up making rash decisions and regret them later on. Impatience is seen on the roads in rush hour traffic and in queues broken everywhere. Our impatience leads to accidents and unfortunate events. These, in turn, paint a bad picture of our country to the rest of the world. This trait is passed on to future generations, which is an alarming situation. We need to learn how to be patient and also teach our future generation the same.

3-Learn to smile more

A young Pakistani child smiles through his day. Image Source:

Most of us in our daily stress and tensions have forgotten to smile. This has created an imaginary and invisible fence of hostility between us. Bringing back that smile can do wonders. The invisible fence would vanish, resulting in a friendly and peaceful environment where we could be more productive in our work. Our small personal changes like this would eventually translate into the homeland’s betterment.

4- Waste management

Solid waste management in Pakistan.  Image Source: The News

The time is near when human existence will be difficult in some of our residential areas due to severe pollution. We pollute our country by throwing trash where we feel like and we produce trash more than what can be disposed off. To worsen matters, there is a nonexistent recycling system. We think waste management is a governmental duty, which they beautifully fail at. But it is also our duty to dispose of trash properly, use more reusable things and play our part in keeping the country clean. This is of course not an overnight change. Pakistan can not become Sweden just by an individual’s effort, it requires combined efforts of many people.

5-Greener Pakistan

new trees planted
Tree plantation drive Source: The Daily Times

The recent Lahore smog situation is an accurate representation of how polluted the air we breathe is. Air pollution, in today’s modern day and age, is undefeatable in its entirety. But, neutralization of its effects is achievable by having greenery around us which we don’t have. We can’t expect a person to start setting up forests. Instead, we could all just plant even one tree each even to work towards lesser pollution in the country. These changes should be ongoing in the lives of all citizens. We must instill their importance in the future generations as well. These five actions will not just improve our life quality but also the condition of our country.

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