Monday the 22nd of October marked the reception of registration forms of the Naya Pakistan Housing programme introduced by PTI. The public responded to this very well as long queues were observed outside the registration desk. Anyone interested in the housing scheme can submit their forms any time during the next 60 days. The scheme was initially introduced by Imran Khan on October 11th.
According to the housing scheme 5 million houses are going to be built across Pakistan within the next 5 years of the government.
Individuals who have expressed their desire to own houses in areas like Sukkur, Quetta, Gilgit, Muzaffarabad, Swat, Islamabad and Faisalabad are being encouraged to apply in the earliest phases. The forms can be submitted easily at the NADRA office along with 250 rupees. The information required on the form must be accurate, clear and complete. The housing scheme has also specified, that from each family only one person can be eligible for the application. More so, people who do not own any property in Pakistan will be given preference over those who do.

The government has announced that the scheme will be made open to other districts of Pakistan as well.
The incentive of this housing scheme is to provide the citizens of Pakistan a place to live under affordable rates regardless of their economic and social standing within the country. Because of this reason, the scheme has announced that they will give preference to families that include a couple and children where no one amongst them owns a house to provide them with security. The scheme intends to supply the demand of houses keeping in consideration the affordability rates. Shehryar Khan Afridi inaugurated the Naya Pakistan Housing Authority registration centre at Nadra’s mega centre in Blue Area. He stated that this project intends to provide 5 million houses within PTI’s tenure. He expressed his confidence in the program and claimed that it is a major step towards providing habitual security to the homeless and will also provide work opportunities for the unemployed.
More than that, this will utilize the services of allegedly 40 industries generating foreign investment as well.
He also expressed his gratification of the accomplishment that this plan has been put to action within the 100-day government plan. PM khan has announced the building of these houses keeping in mind the capacity of payment and living demands of the habitats. He also stressed that this scheme should work for the benefit of the economy of the country as it incorporates the use of 40 other industries. PM Khan claimed that he later intends to introduce a similar plan in all areas of Pakistan to diminish homelessness in the country and grant everyone a protection of their basic rights.
He claimed: “The target of this housing scheme is the common man, who could not even think about owning a house.”
People willing to apply and benefit from this scheme can download forms and submit them with respective housing programme offices till December 21st 2018.