Lack of sleep might be caused by climate change, reveals a study 

What happened: As the temperature gets drastically warmer across the globe, especially in the South Asian region, a study that was published in ONE Earth claimed that climate change might be responsible for sleep loss. Subsequently, it is being claimed that climate change and warmer temperatures might cost humans 50 to 58 hours of sleep per person and year. Details: The data was based on the collection via wristbands and smartwatches, which measured the sleep duration and sleep timing of nearly 50,000 people from 68 countries. The data was collected from September 2015 to October 2017. Subsequently, the study’s co-author, Kelton Minor, is quoted as,  “We found that nights that were randomly warmer than average eroded human sleep duration within individuals globally.”  Whereas, a publication quotes another planetary social and behavioural data scientist at the University of Copenhagen,  “We estimated that people slept less and the probability of having a short night of sleep increased as nights became hotter.” 

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