What happened: According to reports, Kot Addu police stations ASI Imtiaz entered the victim’s house and raped her. Along with three armed men, ASI entered the divorced woman’s house and raped her in front of the family. The incident was reported in Muzaffargarh’s tehsil Kot Addu near Parhar Sharqi. Reportedly, the ASI had taken the victim’s number to take information regarding the family police case. However, the ASI, along with three unknown assailants, entered the house and raped the woman in front of her family.
Details: However, the local police have arrested Imtiaz Shehrani but are searching for the other accused. Subsequently, Imtiaz was suspended from his post. The victim was shifted to the hospital for medical treatment, which is required by the police to take legal action. Before leaving the victim’s house the ASI allegedly threatened the woman to kill her.