Karachi Bachao Tehreek calls for “end to illegal and inhuman attempts to grab land from working class communities”

What happened: Karachi Bachao Tehreek conducted 80 surveys within 3 settlements along the Gujjar Nullah. The objective of the research was to determine the human cost of the anti-encroachment drive that the vulnerable community will have to bear. Details: The anti-encroachment drive is being conducted based on a survey by NED University that only takes into account demolition costs based on numbers and surface area. The survey and therefore the anti-encroachment drive does not consider human costs of the demolitions, relocation, or internal displacement. The findings of the survey conducted by the Karachi Bachao Tehreek show uneven allotment of houses to families and person, with some houses being allotted multiple ID’s and some no ID at all. The compensation also needs to be according to the varying needs of every family. Karachi Bachao Tehreek points out that this survey was conducted on a small sample size and the findings can only be taken as estimates. They are working towards a larger survey that shall take into account the entire width of the Nullah.


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