Izzat Ullah – The Young Man Teaching Us All a Lesson in Honesty

Ever so often in the rut of the chaotic world where men are being shot, girls raped, and children abused and abandoned, one’s faith in humanity is restored. A couple in Karachi lost a wallet in the streets and in the ruckus of Eid were unaware of the loss. However, it was three days ago that a young raddi wala returned their wallet to them with everything intact.

The boy, named Izzat Ullah who collects papers off the street said he found the wallet while on the job. He discovered not only the ID cards and credit cards but a 5000 rupee note as well.

Despite being asked to dump the wallet and keep the cash by his fellows, this honorable young individual took it upon himself to return the entire wallet to their owners.
The owner, Muhammad Ebad Ur Rahman was later informed by the guards of his residential society and later his neighbors that a trash collector had been seeking him out. His efforts did not go in vain as he returned the belongings to the rightful owner. Ebad shared a post on his Facebook page to comment Izzat for his honesty calling him a ray of hope in a world that is far too selfish.

Jibran Nasir, political activist and independent candidate in the 2018 elections shared the video with the caption #RoleModel

We sincerely hope the spirit of honesty lives on and those who live by it are rewarded for the greater good and not for meager likes on a social media page.

Izzat Ullah is a refreshing reminder that honesty is a conscious social choice that defines us as human.

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