Responsible storytelling involves recognizing the potential impact of certain content on individuals and providing appropriate trigger warnings or content advisories. However, it’s unfortunate to hear that in Pakistan, there may be instances where trigger warnings are not consistently given before certain content. Failing to provide trigger warnings can have negative effects on individuals who may have experienced trauma or have sensitivities to specific topics. Trigger warnings serve as a courtesy to allow individuals to make informed choices about whether to engage with content that could potentially be distressing or triggering for them. They help create a safer and more inclusive environment for everyone, taking into account their diverse backgrounds and experiences. Our dramas have a great influence on the audience. Since majority of the soaps and dramas are watched among the masses, everyone from children to adults, tend to relate to whatever fantasy is being shown in a drama serial. If the writer and production house has agreed upon including a scene where a man is slapping his wife or his sister, it needs to be addressed. I do understand that in some cases, showing physical violence is necessary to the development of the plot, but then the makers need to handle it tastefully and responsibly by putting a trigger warning in the very start and addressing the violence sequence later on. It is important for content creators, media outlets, and platforms to prioritize responsible storytelling by implementing clear and consistent policies regarding trigger warnings. This helps to ensure that individuals have the necessary information to decide whether to proceed with engaging in certain content or to take the necessary precautions to protect their mental well-being. Efforts should be made to increase awareness and understanding of trigger warnings within the Pakistani media landscape and to encourage a culture of empathy and sensitivity towards potential triggers. By doing so, we can foster a more inclusive and supportive environment for individuals who may have experienced trauma or have specific sensitivities, ultimately promoting responsible storytelling practices.