A disturbing video has emerged online, which finds Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) at the center of a controversy yet again. The video shows passengers screaming in the plane, demanding that the doors of the plane be opened. Flight PK 750 Paris to Islamabad was scheduled to depart from Paris at 9 pm on Friday 3 August but delayed for 2 hours and 39 minutes without giving any reason to passengers onboard. The air-conditioning of the plane was reportedly switched off as well.
Here is the video, which was put up by The Times of Karachi:
https://www.facebook.com/TheTimesOfKarachiTOK/videos/2648104471882277/UzpfSTgwMDM4Njk5Njc0Mjc3MzoxNzc3MzU4NTc5MDQ1NjA1/ Disturbingly, there is a baby in the video, who is gasping for air because of the suffocation. The mother is helplessly screaming for the doors to be opened as well. According to the latest updates, social media generated enough ruckus for PIA spokesperson Mashood Tajwar to take notice. He claims he had no knowledge of the incident prior to this video being released and that no official complaint was received. An investigation, however, has been launched into the incident to ascertain the details of the flight as there is some discrepancy whether the incident occurred on Aug 1 or Aug 3.
However, passengers traveling on PIA are getting terrible aviation service with every passing day
Just this week Samaa TV reported that there are excessive delays in both domestic and international flights. The delays are reportedly occurring due to technical faults. We don’t know yet what the reason behind this flight’s delay was. But we do know as per the video that the passengers were not treated humanely at all. Delays happen worldwide but seldom does an entire plane of passengers get treated so terribly as PIA has treated passengers of flight PK 750. There has to be greater accountability for this. PIA must answer for the distress it has caused to its passengers. But we are also left wondering: