I knew choosing career over love would be worth it

Have you ever been in a situation when choosing a career over love was your dilemma? How would you know if choosing a career over love is the best decision you could ever make? “Shaadi karlo, ghar basao!” Okay, ye sab toh theek hai but this is not the 1980’s anymore. Not everyone is comfortable living off their partner’s money. The feeling of being dependent on a person is the worst. In reality, you should know that life in this world is not always the same as what you see in romantic movies and fairytales. Zindagi na milegi dobara though so try your best to fulfill your dream! Sometimes, it’s just not worth it to give up your dream job or a huge opportunity to stay with your significant other. But what about the society, right? “Log kia kahengay!” Honestly, screw society!  Be your own boss! A career should come first before your relationship with someone because it strengthens your sense of self-worth and independence. It is a great opportunity for you to grow and elevate. You become more mature in life, and by the time you are already in a relationship, you are ready to give your best. This comes after establishing a better version of yourself. Knowing your priorities is crucial in making sensible decisions. As a result, choosing a career over love would be easier. In addition, a satisfying career can give you a better life. Aside from providing you with a better income, your happiness in life increases when you enjoy your work and are passionate about what you do. Choosing a career over love is not that bad at all. Many of us find joy and identity in what we do. Success in life is not just measured by the tangible things that you have.  If you are already with your true love, I believe there should not be a problem choosing a career over love. Your other half would be so happy to see that you have a rewarding career. They should be proud of your achievements and never keep you from having what’s best in life. Instead of making you feel guilty for chasing after your dream job, that person will be your greatest supporter. So, if you have to ask yourself this question,  “Is it career or love?”  know that choosing a career over love will be worth it in the end – although it might not be an easy answer.

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