What happened: The TikTok star Hareem Shah, in her response to FIA’s notice and Shahzad Akbar’s statement, said that “Shahzad Akbar should focus on PML-N Nawaz Sharif’s case instead of wasting time in probing my case.” Subsequently, Hareem Shah added, “The ministers keep making promises to bring back Nawaz Sharif but have failed. They had made cases against Altaf Hussain as well but nothing happened to him.” Details: It is pertinent to mention that previously Hareem Shah was served with an FIA notice after her video “showing-off” stacks of the British pound went viral. Talking about the notice, Hareem Shah claimed, “The only proof related to money laundering cases will work here in the courts of London against me, and not empty talks.” Subsequently, she added that she is not scared of cases and warned, saying, “I can reveal more secrets and facts.” More: At the same time, Hareem Shah also highlighted why she talked about the Pakistani passport in her previous viral video, which was later deleted. She said, “I had only spoken the truth about the Pakistani passport, which has been declared as the fourth worst passport in the world under a government that had promised to increase Pakistan’s respect.”