Image source: Instazood As social media became more integrated into daily life, platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter adopted a more a stringent set of policies. While these policies aimed to curb hate and violence, they also restrict expression of freedom. This is not the first time Propergaanda has been banned. While it doesn’t fall within the domain of PEMRA, the social media platform is looked over by a the social media giants themselves. Incidents of posts being reported include TLP and Taliban posts being reported. The recent shadow ban regarding the current events happening in Afghanistan did not only hit Propergaanda but also other fellow online news media pages, their content reach was restricted because they were creating content on a highly controversial topic. Other than Instagram’s ban policy, the audience feedback is also a strong dominator in pages being disabled on Instagram. Copyrights issues are a critical notion, as content even given credit can be reported on the grounds of being taken without consent.