He’s just 20. Shehroze Kashif becomes youngest mountaineer to summit top 4 high peaks of the world

What happened: On May 16, Pakistani mountaineer Shehroze Kashif proceeded to make history by climbing Mount Lhotse in Nepal, the world’s fourth-highest peak at 8,615 metres. What you need to know: Shehroze became the youngest mountaineer to summit the world’s top four highest peaks and the fourth Pakistani to scale six of the world’s fourteen highest peaks as a result of his triumphant quest. Previously: The 20 year-old Shehroze Kashif, dubbed the title of “The Broad Boy” after summiting the Broad Peak at the age of 17, as he had previously climbed Everest 8849m, K2 8611m, and Kanchenjunga 8586m. Who is Shehroze Kashif: The young Pakistani climber began hiking at the age of 11 years old, according to sources. He began his journey at the age of 12 by climbing the Makra peak, then Musa Ka Massalah Mountain (4,080m), and finally Chembra peak (4,600m).

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