Have you been stress eating or binge eating?

Many of us have experienced eating a lot during some mood swings as we binge eat or stress eat or sometimes, we don’t eat at all. We often binge-watch Netflix while binge eating or whenever our lives are falling apart we start to stress eat too. Mostly, something cheesy or heavy chocolate ice creams are our go-to during the crisis of our adult life. Life takes many moves and at every step of life, a person experiences different things. Many people experience many eating disorders. But, are we aware of what actually these types of eating disorders scientifically mean? Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is characterized by regular episodes of binge eating. An individual with Binge Eating Disorder (BED) has compensatory behaviors, such as self-induced vomiting or over-exercising after binge eating. This disorder involves two key features; firstly, eating a very large amount of food like sometimes we crave MacDonald’s cheesy Big Mac within a relatively short period of time like within two hours, and secondly, loss of control while eating for example feeling unable to stop oneself from eating like fulfilling all of our craving of ice cream, pizza and heavy loads of cheesy pasta. Despite the higher prevalence of BED compared with other eating disorders, lack of understanding of BED by physicians and inadequate physician-patient communication regarding BED may result in its underdiagnoses. Stress eating which is also known as emotional eating is characterized by the tendency or urge to eat in large amounts due to stress or negative emotions. When we have our results coming or we need to make that one important decision of our life, we often start to stress eat. Foods high in sugar and fat can provide a boost to the brain’s reward sensors, but this boost is usually short-lived. Because of the desire to quell the stress, individuals enact these eating behaviors repeatedly, which can eventually lead to a disconnect between the brain and stomach. Emotional eating is typically associated with a higher calorie intake. This intake can impact weight loss goals and lead to uncomfortable feelings and thoughts that lead to more consumption. Over time, individuals risk eating disorders and can become overweight or obese due to their negative behaviors. So while stress eating or binge eating, it creates habits that lead to a much higher risk of these problems. At times, life takes different paths but in the end things come out in our favors so we should we patient and calm during the hard times, Of course, life will fall apart but we should realize that this is temporary and this is what life is, things happen, and you gotta deal with it and its going to be okay, very soon!

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