A girl shot her friends, leaving one dead and the other injured, in Faisalabad’s Sahianwala area police, reported on Monday. A few days back, Muqaddas and Shazia’s family prohibited said girl from coming to their house after which she got angry at her friends. She opened fire at her friends and then consumed several poisonous pills and died by suicide. Her family told the police that the incident only took place because she was stopped from meeting her friends. Muqaddas passed away on spot, while Shazia was critically injured and was moved to a hospital. The police have collected evidence from the victims’ houses and have begun investigations. Here’s what you should do if someone you know exhibits warning signs of suicide:
- Do not leave the person alone.
- Remove any firearms, alcohol, drugs or sharp objects that could be used in a suicide attempt.
- Take the person to an emergency room or seek help from a medical or mental health professional
- You can get in touch with the following mental health helplines and speak to them:
- Mind Organisation 042 35761999
- Umang 0317 4288665
- Talk2me.pk 0333 4065139
- Baat Karo 0335 5743344
- Taskeen 0332 5267936
- Rooh 0333 3337664
- Rozan 0800-22444
- OpenCounseling 042 35761999