Let’s face it, when GoT fans saw Daenerys for the first time, most of us, including women had an instant crush on her. Those deep blue eyes and that snow like white hair, she was indeed one of the best that GoT had to offer.

And I vaguely remember that I heard chants “2 rupay ki Pepsi, PM mera sexy” , when Imran came into power. He was indeed the instant crush for Pakistanis not only in Pakistan but around the globe.

Imran Khan was the man that pushed Pakistan through to win the only Cricket World Cup to its name in 1992, and Pakistanis are still indebted to his great sportsmanship. And when Imran gained traction in the 2013 general elections, millions believed that he was indeed the saviour that Pakistan ever so desperately needed. But then things went south…

Like our young Daenerys, Imran had a lot of charisma and gained extremely loyal followers, whom we know as youthiays – I know it sounds like the one thing that came to your mind but let us not go there. On the other hand, our queen had the Dothraki and the Unsullied, and the people of the seven kingdoms and beyond loved her – at least she believed so.

But here is the problem, both Daenerys and Imran took it upon themselves to fulfil what they thought was not just their destiny but the birth right – to rule and set the people free of corrupt and scheming rulers, that paid little to no attention towards their royal subjects and only cared about their own luxuries and shenanigans.

You see both Imran and Daenerys, since day one have been beating their chests while claiming the throne, well in Imran’s case the PM-ship. Yet both of them have no experience of being a ruler. For far too long they have been ruled as they led lives of luxury but being the people’s ruler is different.

Although, both Imran and Dany look super down to earth and feel like the right choice but both after coming into power have gone out of control. Dany ended up burning the King’s Landing and Imran, well Pakistan’s economy to start with.

Since Imran reign has begun, business has been down and people are losing jobs left, right and centre. In my opinion the man should have waited and governed KPK first. He should have learned to be content with what he had before jumping onto bigger things. It was inevitable for him to become the Prime Minister of Pakistan but I think it was a bit too early. Probably Imran took more than he could bite.

Talking about biting, I forgot to mention Imran’s dragons; Jahangir Tareen, Aleem Khan and Asad Umar. We all know dragons have to eat a lot to survive and they aren’t so friendly around other people. Imran lost his frist dragon, Asad Umar not so long ago when Imran had to forcefully kick Asad out, just like Daenerys lost her dragon to the Night King. Moreover, Aleem Khan seems to be the other dragon that went down in the fourth episode, no one saw it coming. But we will just have to wonder what happens with the last dragon – oh he burned the city down, I remember. Did I mention the disputes within PTI?

Interestingly, Daenerys’ closest allies are those that once vouched their loyalties to other rulers, similar to the closest allies Imran has. I mean 95 per cent of his cabinet belongs to Pakistan Peoples’ Party and Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz. The man has only a hand full of people that he can call his own and even most of them were a part of General Musharraf’s government.

Imran had the opportunity to turn down federal government in 2018 and establish his rule in KPK and Punjab. I think he should have waited 5 more years and governed the two provinces before going in for the big kill, but hey ho, whose complaining?

As days pass by, people once loyal to Imran are now growing worried about Imran and his ridiculous policies. They think he has gone mad. People and policies that Imran once detested the most, now seem to be his go to solutions for fixing the country’s crisis.

The man seems to be losing it day by day, maybe the premiership is going to his head or maybe it is not all that he thought it would be? I am all up for change, justice and accountability but my question is, is Imran really ready to take on the task at hand or is he just going to be a mad ruler – burning cities down?

On the side notes, I haven’t even begun talking about Daenerys’ and Imran’s love life. Dany had 7 lovers throughout Game of Thrones, I am sure Imran had more but let’s leave this for another time.

Anyway, we all know that Dany is going to have to go in the finale, but now the question is with the IMF, amnesty schemes, cabinet reshuffles and so much more going on. How long before Imran gets the axe?