After both the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 launched last month. The new consoles are notoriously hard to get a hold of but one group of friends in Singapore found another way to level up their gaming experience. They actually rented out an entire cinema just to play games for three hours. Les, who requested to only be identified by his first name, said that the idea came about randomly one day, while he was bored. While looking for things to do online, he found out that gaming in cinemas was actually available in places like Malaysia and the United Kingdom. He wondered why he had never heard of it in Singapore and went on to email various cinemas to ask if they could offer the same big screen gaming experience. He figured that since new movies have been scarce in 2020, he could try his luck.
After a few unsuccessful attempts, one cinema got back to him and offered a package consisting of 3 hours in a theater and free-flowing popcorn and drinks for SG$435 ($325). He went down to test out his Xbox One on the big screen and eventually had the private gaming session with his partner and another couple. Les said that overall, it was an engaging gaming experience thanks to the surround sound system and screen that was about four times larger than the TV he has at home. The cinema they visited does not offer big screen gaming publicly but Les definitely thinks it should be a thing.